Dandruff: All You Need to Know

Dandruff: All You Need to Know
Dandruff is a state of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear. It is frequently accompanied by tingling.

The exact cause is obscure, yet various factors increase the hazard. It is not related to poor cleanliness, but rather it may be more noticeable if a man does not wash or brush their hair regularly.

Dandruff can embarrass and hard to treat, yet help is available.

Fast facts on dandruff

Here are some key focuses about dandruff. More detail is the main article.

  • Dandruff is a typical condition, yet it can embarrass and hard to treat.
  • It is not related to cleanliness, but rather washing and brushing the hair can help expel old skin flakes.
  • Hazard factors incorporate having certain skin or medical conditions and the utilization of inappropriate hair items.
  • Various treatments are available over the counter, however more serious cases ought to be seen by a specialist.


The exact causes of dandruff are obscure.

One hypothesis is that it is connected to hormone generation, as it frequently starts around the season of pubescence.

Here we take a gander at 10 more conceivable factors.

1. Seborrheic dermatitis

Individuals with seborrheic dermatitis have irritated, slick skin, and they will probably have dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis affects many areas of the skin, including the backs of the ears, the breastbone, eyebrows, and the sides of the nose.

The skin will be red, greasy, and secured with flaky white or yellow scales.

Seborrheic dermatitis is firmly connected with Malassezia, a growth that normally lives on the scalp and nourishes on the oils that the hair follicles emit.

It doesn't usually cause an issue, yet in a few people it ends up plainly overactive, causing the scalp to end up plainly irritated and to create extra skin cells.

As these extra skin cells bite the dust and fall off, they blend with the oil from the hair and scalp, shaping dandruff.

2. Insufficient hair brushing

Brushing or brushing the hair regularly diminishes the danger of dandruff, because it aids in the normal shedding of skin.

3. Yeast

Individuals who are delicate to yeast have a marginally higher chance of dandruff, so yeast may play a part. Dandruff is regularly more regrettable amid the winter months and better when the weather is warmer.

This may be because ultraviolet-An (UVA) light from the sun counteracts the yeast.

4. Dry skin

Individuals with dry skin will probably have dandruff. Icy winter air joined with overheated rooms is a typical cause of irritated, flaking skin. Dandruff that stems from dry skin has a tendency to have smaller, non-sleek flakes.

5. Shampooing and healthy skin items

Certain hair care items can trigger a red, bothersome, scaling scalp. Visit shampooing may cause dandruff, as it can irritate the scalp.

A few people say not shampooing enough can cause a development of oil and dead skin cells, leading to dandruff, yet prove is lacking that this is valid.

6. Certain skin conditions

Individuals with psoriasis, eczema, and some other skin disorders have a tendency to get dandruff more much of the time than others. Tinea capitis, a fungal disease also known as scalp ringworm, can cause dandruff.

7. Medical conditions

Adults with Parkinson's disease and some other neurological ailments are more inclined to dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

One investigation found that in the vicinity of 30 and 83 percent of individuals with HIV have seborrheic dermatitis, compared with 3 to 5 percent in the general population.

Patients who are recuperating from a heart attack or a stroke and those with a weak insusceptible framework may be more inclined to dandruff.

8. Eating routine

Not sufficiently devouring nourishments that contain zinc, B vitamins, and a few sorts of fats may increase the hazard.

9. Mental anxiety

There may be a connection amongst push and many skin issues.

10. Age

Dandruff is more probable from adolescence through middle age, although it can be long lasting. It affects men more than ladies, potentially for reasons related to hormones.


Treatment aims to stop the dandruff by backing off the proliferation of skin cells or counteracting the yeast generation that may be the cause.

The strategy will depend the patient's age and the seriousness of the condition.

Shampoos and scalp preparations

Shampoos and scalp items are available over the counter at most stores and pharmacies. These can control seborrheic dermatitis, yet they cannot cure it.

Before utilizing an anti-fungal shampoo, individuals ought to carefully endeavor to expel any scaly or dry patches on the scalp, as far as conceivable, This will make the shampoo more powerful.

Dandruff shampoo is available to treat dandruff in the beard.

Fixings to pay special mind to

Most anti-dandruff or anti-fungal shampoos contain at least one of the accompanying active fixings:

  • Ketoconazole: A compelling anti-fungal. Shampoos containing this fixing can be utilized at any age.
  • Selenium sulfide: This diminishes the creation of natural oils by glands in the scalp. It is compelling at treating dandruff.
  • Zinc pyrithione: This backs off the development of yeast.
  • Coal tar: This has a natural anti-fungal agent. Colored or treated hair may end up noticeably stained by long haul usage. Tar soaps may also make the scalp more delicate to daylight, so clients should wear a hat when outside. Coal tar can also be carcinogenic in high dosages.
  • Salicylic acids: These assistance the scalp dispose of skin cells. They don't back off the multiplication of skin cells. Many "scalp scours" contain salicylic acids. Treatment can here and there leave the scalp dry and make skin flaking more terrible.
  • Tea-tree oil: Derived from the Australian Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), many shampoos now incorporate this fixing. It has for quite some time been utilized as an anti-fungal, an antibiotic, and an antiseptic. A few people are allergic to it.

The best strategy is to choose a shampoo containing one of these fixings and shampoo the hair consistently until the point that the dandruff is under control.

After this, they can be utilized less as often as possible.

Alternating dandruff shampoo with regular shampoo may offer assistance. A particular shampoo may quit being as compelling after some time. At this point, it may be a smart thought to change to one with another fixing.

A few shampoos ought to be left on the scalp for around 5 minutes, as flushing too rapidly won't give the fixing time to work. Others ought to be washed at once. Clients ought to take after the directions on the container.

At the point when to see a specialist

It is not normally necessary to counsel a specialist with dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, yet now and again dandruff can be an indication of a more genuine medical condition.

Medical help ought to be looked for if:

  • there are indications of contamination, for example, redness, delicacy, or swelling
  • dandruff is exceptionally extreme, or it continues after home treatment
  • there are indications of eczema, psoriasis, or another skin condition the scalp is exceptionally bothersome

Complications are rare with dandruff, yet they may come about because of one of the treatments.

In the event that a shampoo or scalp treatment causes irritation, the individual should cease utilizing it and ask a pharmacist to recommend another one.

A man with a weakened resistant framework, for example, because of HIV or AIDS, ought to ask their specialist about any dandruff.

Dandruff in babies

Babies and youthful infants regularly have a sort of dandruff known as cradle cap. There will be yellow, greasy, scaly patches on the scalp.

It regularly appears inside the initial 2 months after birth and lasts fourteen days or months.

Delicately washing with baby shampoo and applying baby oil can help keep the scales from working up.

On the off chance that there are indications of skin cracking or contamination, if tingling, swelling or draining happen, or in the event that it spreads to different parts of the body, it is important to see a specialist.

New answers for dandruff?

Research into ways to help individuals with psoriasis and other skin conditions is continuous.

Green tea has demonstrated potential for the treatment of dandruff and psoriasis, according to research published in 2012. Researchers trust a special formulation that can penetrate the skin's waterproof barrier will combat over the top cell development, oxidative anxiety, and inflammation.

An examination carried out by European researchers has recommended that the addition of llama antibodies to shampoo could be another strategy for battling dandruff.

Chatzikokkinou, P., Sotiropoulos, K., Katoulis, A., & Trevisan, G. (2008, February). Seborrheic dermatitis: An early and common skin manifestation in HIV patients [Abstract]. Acta dermatovenerologica Croatica 164, 226-30. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/23707824_Seborrheic_Dermatitis_-_An_Early_and_Common_Skin_Manifestation_in_HIV_Patients

Cradle cap. (2017, April 1). Retrieved from http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Cradle-cap/Pages/Introduction.aspx

Dandruff. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.uhs.umich.edu/dandruff

Dandruff. (2016, August 31). Retrieved from http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Dandruff/Pages/Introduction.aspx

Dandruff: How to treat. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/hair-and-scalp-problems/dandruff-how-to-treat

Dandruff: Symptoms and causes. (2016, July 14). Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dandruff/symptoms-causes/dxc-20215281

Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. (2012, April 30). GSHU researcher develops non-toxic dandruff shampoo [Press release]. Retrieved from https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-04/ghsu-grd043012.php

Seborrheic dermatitis. (2014, May 30). Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seborrheic-dermatitis/basics/definition/con-20031872

Nordqvist, C. (2017, June 16). "Dandruff: Causes and treatments." Medical News Today. Retrieved from


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