Your pregnancy week by week: 6 weeks pregnant

Your pregnancy week by week: 6 weeks pregnant
At a month and a half, embryonic advancement starts. Amid week 6 of pregnancy, the fetus will experience colossal formative changes; indispensable organs and body frameworks begin shaping or are proceeding to develop.

In this article, we will talk about the indications you can expect at a month and a half pregnant, what your hormones are doing, the incipient organism's improvement, and some other elements you should know about.

Side effects at a month and a half pregnant 

At this phase of the pregnancy, you may not feel pregnant on the grounds that there are couple of unmistakable body changes. You may, be that as it might, encounter pregnancy side effects, for example,

  • Morning disorder, or queasiness and regurgitating that can happen whenever of the day 
  • Changes in appetite - you may hate a few nourishments and long for others 
  • Exhaustion 
  • Stomach Bloating 
  • Bosom delicacy and swelling 
  • Urinary recurrence and evening time pee 
  • Changing feelings 

Your hormones at a month and a half / 6 weeks pregnant 

All through your pregnancy, you will have varieties in specific hormones, which add to a significant number of pregnancy's side effects. Recorded underneath are a portion of the significant givers at this stage:

Human chorionic gonadotropin 

Following implantation of the treated egg, your body starts to discharge the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG); HCG is measured in pee and blood to analyze pregnancy.

HCG is in charge of controlling estrogen and progesterone and adds to the need to urinate all the more every now and again.


Progesterone is at first created by the corpus luteum, an impermanent structure inside the ovaries; its level ascents all through pregnancy and keeps on doing as such until the introduction of your infant.

In early pregnancy, progesterone is in charge of expanding uterine blood stream, building up the placenta, and fortifying the development and supplement generation of the endometrium (covering of the uterus). Additionally, progesterone assumes an indispensable part in fetal advancement, averting untimely work and lactation, and also fortifying the muscles of the pelvic divider to set up your body for work.

Notwithstanding progesterone, the placenta secretes fundamental hormones amid pregnancy, for example,

Human placental lactogen 

Human placental lactogen is accepted to have an influence in bosom changes that are vital for lactation following the introduction of the infant. It likewise assumes a part in expanding supplement levels in your blood, which is essential for incipient organism development and improvement.

Corticotrophin-discharging hormone 

Corticotrophin-discharging hormone is not just in charge of deciding to what extent you will be pregnant, however it is additionally in charge of fetus development and advancement. Later in pregnancy, the ascent in both corticotrophin-discharging hormone and cortisol finish fetal organ improvement and furnish the mother with a surge of cortisol. This surge has been connected with maternal mindfulness, expanding the mother-infant bond.


Estrogen is in charge of fetus and fetal organ advancement, placental development and work, and setting up the bosoms for lactation.

Also, estrogen is required for the direction of different hormones created amid pregnancy.

Due to the ascent in progesterone and estrogen, you may encounter some pregnancy indications, for example, temperament swings and morning affliction.


This hormone unwinds maternal muscles, tendons, and joints to take into account the developing uterus and set up the body for work and conveyance. Relaxin can cause physical side effects, for example, pelvic torment, adjust challenges, and blockage.

Incipient organism improvement at a month and a half 

At a month and a half, there are many changes in fetus advancement. In general, the developing life is short of what one-fifth of an inch long. The accompanying highlights, organs, and body frameworks are shaping:

  • The neural tube, which shapes the cerebrum, spinal string, nerves, and spine 
  • Vast head and littler C-formed body 
  • Facial highlights including the eyes, nose, jaw, cheeks, and button 
  • Inward ears, arm and leg buds, and tooth buds 
  • Kidneys, liver, lungs, the pituitary organ 
  • Trachea, larynx, and bronchi 
  • Heart partitioning into four chambers and pumping blood 
  • Primitive germ cells in charge of the arrangement of male or female genitalia 

An extremely fundamental heart can now and again be seen thumping in ultrasound exams at this stage - it will right now pulsate at around 150-160 pulsates every moment - about twice as quick as your heart.

Things to do in week 6 of pregnancy 

Despite the fact that it is right off the bat in your pregnancy, your undertaking list is starting to develop. This is the point at which you ought to have your first pre-birth visit; your social insurance supplier will inspect you and get fundamental tests to affirm your pregnancy, and furthermore assess your wellbeing.

Tests may include:

  • Gynecologic exam including Pap spread 
  • Bosom exam 
  • Blood work, for example, blood classification, Rh factor, press levels, and certain hereditary disease testing, German measles resistance, and the sky is the limit from there 
  • Sexually transmitted disease testing, which may incorporate tests for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV 
  • Pee testing to assess for high glucose (sugar) levels and disease 

Way of life changes at a month and a half pregnant 

You may need to roll out some way of life improvements amid pregnancy and keeping in mind that breastfeeding.

General wellbeing 

Amid pregnancy, you should deal with yourself and you're creating infant. Try not to drink liquor, utilize any medications, or utilize tobacco amid pregnancy. There are no protected levels.

Make certain to talk about all medications you are bringing with your specialist to guarantee that they are protected to take amid pregnancy. To support yourself and your infant, ensure you eat a solid diet and take pre-birth vitamins.


Everybody needs to look awesome, yet utilizing changeless hair shading is not suggested amid the initial 12 weeks of pregnancy; rather, consider utilizing a semi-lasting color.


  • While it is protected to eat most fish amid pregnancy, some fish contains abnormal amounts of mercury, which might be destructive to the incipient organism or hatchling. Get some information about restricting your admission of certain fish and shellfish. 
  • On the off chance that you anticipate eating tuna fish or fish steak, ask your social insurance supplier what amount is protected. 
  • Ensure all meat, chicken, turkey, and eggs are very much cooked to stay away from sustenance harming. 
  • Wash every single crisp foods grown from the ground before eating. They may have microorganisms or chemicals on their skin. 
  • Be watchful with espresso, tea, and other caffeine-containing drinks. Your medicinal services supplier may prescribe that you stay away from some natural teas and farthest point caffeine. 

What's more, obviously, in the event that you have questions with respect to your pregnancy general, make sure to contact your social insurance supplier.

Call your specialist in the event that you have any of the accompanying side effects:

  • Spotting or a little measure of vaginal dying 
  • Feeling weak or bleary eyed 
  • Pelvic cramping 

Get quick therapeutic help on the off chance that you have:

  • Vaginal dying 
  • Spilling of vaginal liquid or tissue 
  • Loss of awareness or blacking out 
  • Pelvic agony

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Lori Smith BSN MSN CRNP. (2016, December 6). "Pregnancy At 6 Weeks: Your Pregnancy Week by Week." Medical News Today. Retrieved from

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