The World Bank Provides Loans for Malaria Control Nigeria is $ 100 million

Nigeria on Monday marked on to get a $100 million advance from the World Bank for intestinal sickness control exercises, Leadership Nigeria reports. The conditions of Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bauchi, Gombe, Jigawa, Kano, and Rivers will get some portion of the subsidizing for intestinal sickness control exercises (Nduwugwe, 7/21).

World Bank Country Director for Nigeria Onno Ruhl consented to the arrangement for the benefit of the bank and Nigerian Finance Minister Sarki Muhtar marked in the interest of the government. Ruhl said the World Bank is "sure" in Nigeria's capacity to battle jungle fever, This Day composes. Ruhl brought up that amid President Barack Obama's current excursion to Ghana, he "praised" Nigeria's interfaith endeavors for battling intestinal sickness.
The World Bank Provides Loans for Malaria Control Nigeria is $ 100 million

Wellbeing Minister Osotimehin said the legislature will convey 60 million free nets "alongside free treatment for kids and other measures with which the incorporated war on jungle fever will be battled" (Nwezeh, 7/21).

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Kaiser. (2009, July 22). "World Bank To Give Nigeria $100M Loan For Malaria Control." Medical News Today. Retrieved from

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