Your pregnancy week by week: 21 weeks pregnant

Amid week 21 of your pregnancy, your child keeps on developing and create, and as with other prior weeks, week 21 is no special case with regards to formative steps.

These fast changes are keeping your little one sufficiently occupied to require some rest! Your infant is resting pleasantly now, getting around 12-14 hours of rest for every day.
Your pregnancy week by week: 21 weeks pregnant

Side effects at 21 weeks pregnant

Notwithstanding a developing tummy and weight, at this phase of your pregnancy you may keep on experiencing physical pregnancy symptoms.

These side effects usually include:

  • More grounded nails and more full hair
  • Swelling and gas
  • Expanded appetite
  • Fetal development
  • Varicose veins
  • Spinal pain
  • Draining gums
  • Extend marks.

Know that pregnancy expands the danger of urinary tract diseases from week 6 to week 24, so if your manifestations are not just from the pregnancy and you speculate a contamination, talk with a human services supplier about treatment.

Your hormones at 21 weeks pregnant

All through your pregnancy, you will encounter varieties in specific hormones that add to huge numbers of the pregnancy indications you may understanding. Following implantation of the prepared egg, your body starts to discharge a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) - the hormone used to identify pregnancy. This hormone is additionally in charge of controlling estrogen and progesterone and adds to visit urination.

At first created by the corpus luteum, progesterone ascends all through your pregnancy and keeps on doing as such until the introduction of your infant. In early pregnancy, progesterone is in charge of expanding uterine blood stream, building up the placenta and empowering the development and supplement creation of the endometrium (coating of the uterus).

Progesterone additionally assumes a significant part in fetal improvement, avoiding untimely work and lactation, and also reinforcing the pelvic divider muscles to set up your body for work.

Notwithstanding progesterone, the placenta is essential in emitting critical hormones amid your pregnancy such as:

  • Human placental lactogen: this hormone is accepted to be in charge of mammary organ development which will be essential for lactation following the introduction of your infant. Also, it assumes a part in expanding supplement levels in your blood, which is fundamental to the development and advancement of your child.
  • Corticotrophin-discharging hormone: this hormone is not just in charge of deciding to what extent you will be pregnant, yet in addition for your infant's development and advancement. Later in pregnancy, the ascent in both corticotrophin-discharging hormone and cortisol both finishes fetal organ advancement and gives the mother a surge of cortisol that has been connected with maternal mindfulness, expanding the mother-infant bond.

Another indispensable hormone in pregnancy is estrogen, which is in charge of fetal organ advancement, placental development and work and mammary organ development. Moreover, estrogen is required for the direction of different hormones created amid pregnancy.

On account of the ascent in progesterone and estrogen, you may encounter some repulsive pregnancy side effects, for example, state of mind swings and morning affliction. Another hormone, relaxin, can cause physical side effects, for example, pelvic torment, adjust troubles and stoppage because of its part in unwinding maternal muscles, tendons and joints.

Hereditary testing at 21 weeks pregnant

It is vital to talk with your social insurance supplier to decide whether hereditary testing and certain types of pre-birth screening are appropriate for you.

There are three blood tests offered to ladies amid their pregnancy to screen for an assortment of hereditary variations from the norm including Down syndrome, Trisomy 18, and spina bifida.

Since you are presently in your second trimester, your social insurance supplier may prescribe that you are assessed for gestational diabetes, which involves drinking a sugary fluid and checking your blood glucose levels.

These tests include:

  • Consecutive coordinated screen: between weeks 10-13 and again amid weeks 15-20, this screening test might be prescribed to test the maternal blood for the six fetal proteins found in maternal blood dissemination. This test is equipped for distinguishing 92% of Down syndrome pregnancies. The primary part of this test is finished in mix with a nuchal translucency ultrasound - a scan demonstrating the measure of liquid under the skin behind the child's neck.
  • Serum incorporated screen: as with the successive coordinated screen, maternal blood is tried amid weeks 10-13 and again amid weeks 15-20 for the six fetal proteins found in maternal blood flow. This test is equipped for recognizing 88% of Down syndrome pregnancies. This test is commonly done in situations where a nuchal translucency ultrasound is inaccessible.
  • Quad marker screen: acquired amid weeks 15-20, the quad marker screen tests maternal blood for four circling fetal proteins. This test is equipped for distinguishing 79% of Down syndrome pregnancies. Ladies who did not get the principal part of the serum and consecutive tests (as above) are qualified to experience this testing. This test is likewise the second test got amid the consecutive and serum screening tests.

An extra test that is performed following 15 weeks pregnancy to assess for certain hereditary anomalies is hereditary amniocentesis. This test is normally suggested for ladies with unusual pre-birth screening comes about, earlier chromosomal variation from the norm, family history of hereditary irregularities, a known hereditary anomaly transporter status (male or female) or for ladies beyond 35.5 years old

Between weeks 17 and 20 of pregnancy, a level 1 ultrasound is finished to assess the child completely for any birth surrenders that can be seen on ultrasound imaging. In the event that there are any anomalous discoveries, it might be prescribed that you experience a level 2 scan. It is vital to take note of that not all birth absconds are obvious amid these ultrasounds and that a level 2 ultrasound is additionally suggested if some other screening tests return as abnormal.

Infant's advancement at 21 weeks pregnant

At 21 weeks pregnant, there are many changes in your infant's advancement. Improvements that are in progress include:

  • Mind: quick cerebrum development
  • Bones: ligament is changing over to bone, skeleton solidifies, bone marrow begins making platelets
  • Head: lanugo showing up, eyebrows shaping
  • Pelvis: ovaries with primitive eggs and shaped uterus in females, testicular drop in guys
  • Appendages: arms and legs are proportionate
  • Other: fetal development show, taste buds create, gulping amniotic liquid.

Way of life changes at 21 weeks pregnant

Similarly as with prior weeks, you will soon discover that there are numerous way of life modifications which should be made amid pregnancy and even after conveyance.

General wellbeing

Amid pregnancy, you should deal with yourself and you're creating child. Make sure not to drink liquor or smoke amid pregnancy, and keep away from all other lethal substances, for example, drugs amid this time.

Make sure to talk about all medications you are bringing with your medicinal services supplier to guarantee that you should proceed with use amid your pregnancy.

To sustain yourself and your infant, ensure you eat a solid diet and take a decent pre-birth vitamin.

Another approach to keep up your wellbeing amid pregnancy is to get normal exercise. Talk with your medicinal services supplier about your present or wanted exercise regimen to ensure it is safe.


While it is sheltered to eat angle amid pregnancy, it is prescribed that you confine your admission to 8-12 oz. of fish and shellfish per week.

A few cases of fish that are protected to expend amid pregnancy incorporate shrimp, salmon, canned light fish (note: mercury differs can to can), pollock, cod, catfish and anchovies. If you anticipate eating tuna fish and fish steak, it is suggested that you restrain devouring this fish to 6 oz. per week.

Abstain from eating shark, swordfish, tilefish and ruler mackerel while pregnant, as they contain elevated amounts of mercury which can be hurtful to your infant's mind and anxious system. If eating fish from a non-business source - a fish you or your family got, for instance - make sure to check with the neighborhood wellbeing specialists that the waters in which it was gotten are safe.

Continuously ensure your sustenance is completely cooked and not crude or undercooked. Likewise stay away from uncooked smoked or salted fish. Additionally, it is essential to dodge unpasteurized delicate cheddar, refrigerated pâté, crude or undercooked meat and poultry, chilly cut shop meat, sustenances containing crude eggs (Caesar dressing, and so on.) and unpasteurized juice, drain and eggnog.

Need a lift? Caffeine is OK amid pregnancy yet ought to be expended with some restraint. Attempt to keep your caffeine utilization from all sources at or beneath 300 milligrams daily.

Infant's size at 21 weeks pregnant

Your infant is presently the span of a banana, measuring about 7 inches long and weighing almost 11 oz.1

In spite of your infant's expanding size, there is still a lot of room in the womb at this phase for them to move around.

On the off chance that you have questions with respect to your pregnancy, make certain to contact your social insurance supplier.

Call your specialist on the off chance that you are encountering manifestations of an ectopic pregnancy or unnatural birth cycle, for example, vaginal draining or entry of tissue, releasing vaginal liquid, feeling weak or bleary eyed, low pulse, rectal weight, bear torment and serious pelvic agony or cramping.

What to Expect, Your baby at week 21,

The Visible Embryo, 20 wks post fertilization,

What to Expect, Your baby at week 6,

You & Your Hormones, Hormones of pregnancy and labour,

Healthline, Prenatal screening tests,

WebMD, Your pregnancy week by week: weeks 5-8,

Baby Center, Your pregnancy: 11 weeks,

Mayo Clinic, Pregnancy and fish: What's safe to eat?,

Lori Smith BSN MSN CRNP. (2015, December 11). "21 weeks pregnant: your pregnancy week by week." Medical News Today. Retrieved from

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